p.7 l.7 〜 p.19 l.2

p.7 l.10
The least groan or sniffle, the least cough or fleeting flatulence that emerges from his body is therefore an integral part of our account as well.


sniffle: 鼻をすする(こと)
fleeting: continuing for only a short time
flatulence: (腹に)ガスがたまること、鼓腸

p.8 l.5
he puts his right hand against the wall, leans the full brunt of his weight against it, and gradually lowers himself to the floor.


brunt: 矛先

p.8 l.10
on all fours: 四つんばいになって

p.8 l.20
shout at the top of his lungs: 力いっぱい叫ぶ

p.8 l.22
inexplicably: どういうわけか

p.9 l.6
porridge <英>: oatmeal <米>

p.9 l.30
garrison: 駐屯地; 守備隊

p.11 l.2
swivel: to turn around a central point, or make sth do this

p.11 l.8
exulting instead in this hitherto unknown property of the chair


exult: to show that you are very happy and proud, especially because you have succeeded in sth; (〜に)歓喜する

hitherto: until this time

p.11 l.21
in the dead of night: 真夜中に

p.11 l.24
budge: ちょっと動く

p.12 l.2
propulsion: 推進(力)

p.12 l.9
conjure: 思い描く

p.12 l.11
bout: 一期間; a short period of time during which you suffer from a particular illness
torment: 苦痛、苦悩

p.12 l.18
threshold: 戸口

p.12 l.29
equilibrium: つり合い、平衡; (心の)平静

p.13 l.7
in due course: 当然の順序を追って; やがて、ついには

p.13 l.19
hold his ground: 自分の立場を固守する、一歩も退かない

p.13 l.20
wretched: extremely bad; very unhappy

p.13 l.25
bargain: 契約

p.14 l.1
resolve: 決意

p.14 l.2
impulsively: 衝動的に
back down: 非を認める、(主張などを)放棄する、譲歩する

p.14 l.6
squarely: exactly or directly; completely and with no doubt

p.14 l.9
tingle: ちくちくする痛み、ぞくぞくする興奮
arousal: excitement, especially sexual excitement

p.14 l.20
hollow: くぼみ、へこみ;穴

p.15 l.16
excretion: 排出、排泄
ablutions: 体を洗うこと

p.17 l.12
bereft: feeling very sad and lonely

c.f. bereave [SVO1 of O2]: O1からO2(近親)を奪う [過去・過去分詞 bereaved]; O1からO2(希望・理性など)を失わせる[過去・過去分詞 bereft]

p.17 l.13
Get a grip: しっかりしろ、落ち着け

p.17 l.120
stool: 腰掛け; 便通

p.17 l.128
hubris: 傲慢; too much pride

p.18 l.12
the lesser of the two evils: 二つの悪のうちではまだましな方