p.1 〜P.7 l.6

p.1 l.6
revolution of the earth: 地球の自転

p.1 l.8
figment: 作り事、空想事、想像の産物

p.2 l.13
He can't remember how long he has been here or the nature of the circumstances that precipitated his removal to his place.


precipitate: 突如引き起こす

p.2 l.17
implacable: 抑えがたい

p.2 l.19
outward: 表面上の、見せかけの

p.3 l.5
We will therefore drop the epithet old man and henceforth refer to the person in the room as Mr. Blank.


epithet: あだ名
henceforth: 今後は

p.3 l.25
oscillation: 振動

p.4 l.5
mahogany: マホガニー材(高木、堅く美しく高級家具用)

p.4 l.9
Her dark hair is cropped short,

crop: to cut sb's hair short
